An animal moves in. If it’s your first pet-friendly, it’s surprising how much there is to think about. This fact cannot even be limited to dogs and cats, because if you don’t secure everything when the rabbit moves in, you will feel that neither cables nor carpets are safe from rabbit teeth. But how do you design a house or apartment to be animal-friendly, of course with the aspect that people should continue to feel comfortable? This article gives five tips.
Tip 1: Choose Animal-Friendly Floors

First of all: Of course, this tip can only be carried out on a large scale if you are planning a renovation anyway and in rented apartments only if the floor can be changed. In principle, however, the motto already applies that floor coverings must be easy to clean, and should not let moisture through directly if possible. Where which floor is located is no longer so important today, since laminate floors have long been suitable for the kitchen. However, if you want to plan your kitchen to be pet-friendly, there are important points to consider.
1. Dining Area
She is often in the kitchen. Neither dogs nor cats have good eating manners, which is why a pad is essential. It should be big enough to leave room around the bowl. While the water bowl for dogs can be at the feeding place, the water bowl for cats should always be farther away from the food.
2. Living Quarters For Cats
Unlike dogs, smooth floors don’t bother cats. They make special demands on carpets and runners. Cat owners usually quickly lose their joy in high-pile carpets, because the animals vomit regularly and often choose the carpets for them. The cat decides whether fringed carpets are suitable. Some try to eat the fringes.
3. Living Quarters For Dogs
Many dogs find it difficult to walk on slippery floors, and it is also unhealthy. Some dogs are even afraid of them. So runners are good advice.
Tip 2: Remove Dangerous Plants
Houseplants can be incredibly dangerous to animals. However, this does not mean that there are no more plants in animal households, some green plants can even be used for the animal. Provided the flowers are removed, the spider plant is a popular alternative to cat grass for cats.
With dogs, it is often sufficient to simply place the plants out of the animal’s reach. Cat owners don’t have this luxury because the animals come up everywhere. And rabbits are also very jumping and climbing when it comes to reaching the ornamental plants on the windowsill.
Tip 3: A Separate Area
Each animal needs its own area. Especially with dogs, this should be clearly defined, because it is both a place of retreat and a safe haven at the same time. The following applies:
- Locations – a dog cushion or basket should be available at every permanent location. Usually, the center is in the living room so the most important zone is designed here. Other zones are in the bedroom and possibly in the study.
- Necessity – the dog zone is also used for education. For discipline or when the dog gets upset, it is sent onto the blanket.
Tip 4: Stoppers For The Doors
Doors are a great danger to animals. If they slam shut in the wind, they tend to get a paw or their tail stuck between the door leaf and the frame. Closed doors can also be dangerous because if an animal plays with the key, the room door is quickly locked. Therefore, the following tips apply:
- Door stops – they are useful for airing anyway, but they also protect the pets. The stoppers should be large and heavy so that the animal does not dislodge the stopper while playing.
- Latch protection – even a cat can force open a smooth-running door and bang against the wall. Silicone sleeves that slide over the doorknob protect the wall.
- Keeper open – especially with cats there is one area that can never be closed: the room with the litter box. If you don’t want to tie a cloth around the handle and door leaf, you can find special devices online that prevent the door from slamming shut. Caution: Do not hold a door open with the turned key. In a strong gust of wind, it can fall into the lock – if the key is on the wrong side, the door has to be opened professionally.
Incidentally, draft excluders that are clamped to the bottom of the door prove to be useless for a number of pets. They are simply nibbled off or released with claws.
Read Also: Dog Psychology
Tip 5: Windows, Kitchen, Outside Area

The pet-friendly home has a number of traps built in. Bottom-hung windows can even pose a major hazard to dogs if they get caught in the crack. If there is a window sill on the side of a patio or balcony door, this will quickly happen to dogs. Cats also tend to get curious about bottom-hung windows. The problem is that the animal automatically slides down the gap and gets stuck there. Many animals die this way every year.
To prevent this, there are special tilting window protection devices. However, special fly screens that are used in the frame and whose material is also resistant to cats and small dogs are ecologically more sensible. Now the window can also be fully opened. Other dangers lurk outside and in the kitchen:
- Outside area – for cats, the balcony must be provided with a cat net. Hardly any animal does not climb or jump on the parapet and try to hunt insects or birds. With small animals, including kittens and small dog breeds, care must be taken with parapets that are open at the sides. If the gap between the floor and the parapet is too large, the animal could fall or become trapped.
- Kitchen – This is especially true for cat households: the animals jump onto the stove even when they are not supposed to. If you don’t have an induction cooker, you should always place a pot of water on hot stovetops. In addition, young cats tend to climb into the oven.
Depending on where the dryer and washing machine are, caution is also required here. It’s less common in small dogs, but cats like to sleep in the tumble dryer.
Conclusion – Animal Husbandry Means Conversion
When the first pet moves in, the changeover is sometimes big. Of course, it also depends on the character of the animal and the type of animal, but precautionary measures are almost always necessary. The rodents should not be underestimated. Rabbits, guinea pigs, but also hamsters, and rats nibble on everything that gets between their teeth while they are running free. In the case of power cables, in particular, there is an increased risk – for the owner as well. Animals often sense the current and stop chewing, but have already damaged the cable. A short circuit or a smoldering fire can now easily occur.