Dog behavior can be understood and changed with dog psychology. There are rules in the pack that dogs also transfer to humans.
In order for your four-legged friend to learn to integrate harmoniously into the family, you have to deal with dog psychology. Only when you understand how a dog would live in a pack in freedom do you know what needs the animal has and why boundaries are something completely normal even for a puppy.
What is dog psychology?
Dogs live according to their instincts. Man must know these if he wants to live with his four-legged friend. Dogs are pack animals and are therefore subject to behaviors that they also transmit to humans. In order to live harmoniously with your four-legged friend, you have to understand the rules of a pack and transfer them to life within the human family.
Rules strengthen the position
Just as children need rules, puppies and young dogs also need boundaries. However, for a different reason than humans. When dogs grow up in a pack, there is a clear hierarchy. There is a pack leader to whom all other dogs bow, otherwise they will be expelled from the community.
If a puppy or young dog moves in with you, it was previously separated from its mother and siblings (its pack). He will automatically see the new family as a pack, even if it’s made up of bipeds. Dogs of all ages instinctively sense the energy radiating from creatures in their new environment. They are looking for the “lead animal” and if they don’t find that energy, they will take on the role of pack leader themselves. No matter how young they are.
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Dogs live naturally

Once the roles have been assigned, the dog will no longer listen to you because it is above you in the hierarchy. This explains the behavior of dogs that bite certain family members when they approach the animal’s primary caregiver.
Dogs that snap at the owner when they are fed or growl as soon as they are supposed to be in the transport box cannot be told anything by humans. This has lost its leadership position and has to subordinate itself to the behavior of the dog if it is to be peaceful in the house.
Dog psychology applied in practice – this is my house
If you don’t let your dog know that you own the house and that he’s only invited to live in it, you won’t enjoy your pet. As soon as the four-legged friend enters the house for the first time or starts walking, you must let him know that you are the master of the house. There’s nothing negative about this, and the dog will accept anything willingly if you state your rules with friendly firmness.
Dog psychology is very simple and says: Who is the pack leader decides.
- He determines the food
- He looks for the best berth
- He dominates the other family members
- He stakes out his own territory
But how do you become a pack leader as a human?
You are the human, the dog is the animal
If you want your dog to stay away from certain places in the apartment, you must claim them for yourself. Then the animal knows that it has to wait for an invitation from you to enter these places. It will instinctively stay away when you’re not around and will respect your direction. It’s easy as long as you stand behind your decisions.
Who owns the bed?

If the animal is not allowed to go to bed with you, it will still try to get in. Don’t make the mistake here and scold the animal or push it back. At that moment you are sending out the energy of anger and aggression to which the animal will respond in kind. Because what did you express? Have you clearly defined your territory in a calm and dominant manner? Instead, you voiced anger.
Yelling is always about insecurity and fear and a dog senses that. That’s why he doesn’t do what you expect him to do. The right reaction in this situation? Lift the dog off the bed and stand next to it. If he tries to run again, step calmly in his way so he can’t jump. Keep your movements slow and don’t raise your voice. Don’t say the dog’s name, but make a small noise associated with not doing the action.
Gently and patiently stop your dog from getting onto the bed. Just as you would calmly and at the same time take a dangerous object out of the hands of a small child. You have to be patient and control yourself. This is the only way for the dog to feel that you are the boss and that he has to submit to you.